Thursday, May 21, 2020

Interview - 971 Words

An Interview with Rosalie DaRosa President of Northeast Knitting Inc. By: Elizabeth DaRosa Why did you decide to take over the company? I had a lot of confidence in myself and my overall knowledge of how to manage a manufacturing plant. I knew a considerable amount about the machines, the employees, the customers, and the suppliers. I saw it as the opportunity to build a future for myself and my children. Since this is a family-owned business, do your children want to carry on with the business? Yes I have 3 sons and they have all joined me at the plant, they have all earned bachelor degrees in Business and they are helping to grow the business considerably. They have the goal to not only continue the business but expand it as much†¦show more content†¦Treat your employees as if they were family. Do not expect to be respected unless you’ve earn it. Be a model to your employees. Mrs. DaRosa is a prime example of how hard work and motivation does pay off. This small business, even though it is manufacturing which is a dying business in America, has thrived. Her answers were basically what I expected from a small business manager that has both ambition and drive. NEK Inc. is a manufacturing company that makes elastic products for a range of industries such as; military armor, home furnishings, medical use, and even underwear. Rosalie DaRosa was born in Cape Verde and worked in Italy as a teenager before immigrating to the U.S. in 1969. Her father was already working at International Stretch (former name of NEK) in Pawtucket. Like many others, in manufacturing in the 1980’s, the company fell on hard times; it closed in 1986. With the purchase of old machines, Rosalie began the creation of North East Knitting. As she stated to me nothing comes easy especially in this business, and knowing that she is responsible for over 100 employees is a daunting task that she does not take lightly. Mrs. DaRosa shows us that everything we learned in class about the challenges of a small business is correct but also if you take those examples given to us on how to further a small business; those same principles apply to her asShow MoreRelatedA Interview With An Interview Essay2011 Words   |  9 Pagesthe assignment was to interview another person and record it, then later analyze how well you used interview techniques. The interview was to last fifteen minutes and discuss why your interviewee had decided to choose a career in the health field. General Aspects of an Interview Overall, the interview was accomplished with few complications. There was definitely areas of the interview that need attending to, and there were areas in which I excelled. The dyadic interview started with an openingRead MoreThe Interview With A Interview Essay1382 Words   |  6 PagesAlthough, all the participants had not experienced being in an interview before, they agree to have the interviews recorded. 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